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Journey With Me -
Physical Healing
Emotional Wellness
Spiritual Alignment
Intentional Retreats
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You are an individual, unique in all the world. No one has had your experiences or looked through your eyes.  Your medicine should treat you as such.  Classical homeopathy treats you as an individual person and celebrates your uniqueness.  I take time to understand you in all of your uniqueness.  I take time to understand what is underneath your headaches, your sinus congestion, your allergies, your anxiety.  What is your experience of it and how does it impact you?  

Your homeopathic remedy is chosen specifically for you - for your particular system, at this time.  It's also chosen for you as a whole person, not just to "treat" a particular symptom but to celebrate what makes you unique.  Homeopathic remedies celebrate your unique you and help you to shine your bright light out into the world.

Healing is not always easy, pretty or linear but it is always necessary.  - Desirée Brazelton

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